Are you exercising or planning to workout? You may have never thought about it, but your blood type actually plays an essential role when you are exercising. In this article, we will find out what’s the best workout for your blood type.
Each blood type follows its own, genetically programmed, instinctive response to the oncoming stress. This article is not about how we like (or don't like) exercise, but about our body's natural physiological response to stress and what is the right sport to practice to help release it from the body.
In order to be able to answer this question or to understand the answer to it, we first need to go back a bit and talk about stress and more specifically the relationship between stress and exercise.
They are two types of stress: positive and negative. It is all around us and although we mostly associate it with a hectic lifestyle, a stressful work day and nervous people, it occurs much more often and is even considered harmless as when an idea is born in our mind, surprise from the loved one or a long walk in the mountains.
Mental or physical stress is a part of our lives and what our blood type is determines our physical response to stress, as well as the best way to deal with it.
At a moment of stress our body releases a large amount of hormones from the pituitary and adrenal glands, which in less then a second flow into the bloodstream. The pulse quickens, the breathing too and the huge amount of oxygen transported by the blood activates the muscles.
Digestion is the first process that slows down for the body to deal with the critical situation. When it wears off, the body begins to calm down and flush out the large amounts of chemicals that have entered the bloodstream. What if it does not calm down?
When we are subjected to constant stress as is a daily life of modern man, the body loses its ability to control stress, i.e. its natural responses are suppressed and huge amounts of stress hormones constantly leak into our blood that we cannot release or use.
Did you know that about 70 % of modern diseases are due to stress? Not that we are subject to it, but that we cannot free ourselves from it.
This is where sports and exercise come to the rescue which we use deliberately to “cleanse” our body of the chemicals that have entered it.
And since the composition of each blood group is different and from there its interaction with hormones and chemicals changes during and after the stressful situation, which means that each different blood type reacts to stress in a specific way and its release is tailored precisely with this.
Exercising not only ensures good shape, which is a big plus, but would put it last before clear blood vessels, healthy bones, muscles and joints, properly functioning organs and a clear mind.
There is still no evidence that the blood type affects muscle development, but regular exercise will certainly make you the proud owner of a beautiful body.
When discussing the best workout for your blood type, it will be very important to explain what all of this means.
Why is it so important to understand the functions and specific biochemistry of our body, taking into account the specifications of the blood group? Perhaps most of you have already come to the answer yourself.
If you have blood type 0, you show an immediate physical reaction like our ancestors hunters - stress is reflected directly in your muscles. Your body responds to any danger signal by allowing an explosion of intense physical energy.
You are designed to release the building blocks of hormonal forces through vigorous and intense training and feel especially good during strenuous exercise, which distinguishes you from other blood types.
If you want to lose weight, you need to practice sports with high physical activity. The reason is that all these exercises cause higher acidity in muscle tissue and contribute to a higher degree of activity in burning calories.
Acidity in muscle tissue is the result of ketosis, which is very typical of the "blood type of predators", as a famous geneticist recently defined it.
Representatives of this group, who do not engage in appropriate activity in response to stress, are exhausted during the exhausting reaction to it.
This stage of the reaction is characterized by slow metabolism, depression, fatigue and insomnia, and prolonged stress - with constant weight gain and obesity.
To achieve a permanent metabolic effect, it is necessary to stimulate an increase in your heart rate. Suitable sports for you are martial arts and arts, aerobics, swimming, cycling, contact sports, jogging, weight training, dancing.
Perform one or more of the suggested workouts at least four times a week for at least 40-50 minutes.
Quite the opposite of the previous group, which reacts physically to stress, the representatives of this blood type react intellectually. Blood group A responds to the first stage of stress by causing irritation, hyperactivity and dissatisfaction.
So, if you belong to group A, the best workout for your blood type will be different compared to other blood types.
Stress signals pulsate in your immune system, as a result of which your immune system weakens, and this becomes a prerequisite for the entry of infections and bacteria into your currently weakened body.
Nervous system calming practices such as yoga or meditation are suitable for you. Staying under stress for a long time can cause heart disease and various forms of cancer. Exercises that calm and focus are a means of relieving the owners of this blood group from the severe effects of stress.
Tai Chi - a ritual Chinese practice with slow movements, and Hatha Yoga, the Indian system of flexibility and elasticity, calm the mind and body and lead to concentration. Moderate isotonic exercise, such as walking in the mountains, swimming or cycling, is excellent for blood type A. The key for you is to link the mind to physical activity.
Moderate isotonic exercise, such as walking in the mountains, swimming or cycling, is excellent for blood type A. The key for you is to link the mind to physical activity.
The blood group B response is an evolutionary improvement and a balance between the more sensitive activity of blood group A and the more physically aggressive reaction of blood group 0.
In most cases, he successfully copes with stress because it is easier to adapt to unfamiliar situations. People of this blood group feel good with exercises that are neither increased physical activity nor aim for deep mental relaxation.
They find the perfect balance in lighter sports that are practiced with other people - mountain trips, softer martial arts, tennis, aerobics. They don't feel good when they play competitive sports like squash, football or basketball.
The most effective blood type B program should include intense exercise three times a week and relaxing exercise twice a week.
Blood type AB has inherited the blood type A response pattern. Adrenaline-charged follicles pour into your brain, causing dissatisfaction, hyperactivity and irritability. The increased sensitivity of your nervous system gradually destroys your subtle defenses and your immune system begins to weaken under the signals of stress.
As with blood type A, you need to focus on exercises that achieve calm, inner peace and concentration.
Suitable for practicing blood type AB are Tai Chi, Hatha Yoga, Aikido, golf, brisk walking, stretching, swimming, dancing.
To achieve a permanent effect of voltage drop and energy recovery, it is necessary to perform one or more Exercises three to four times a week for between 30 to 45 minutes.
Stress is of great importance in modern society. Uncontrolled reactions to stress trigger many diseases, and few of us realize that it is not stress itself, but our reaction to it, that depletes our immune system and leads to disease.
Unlike our ancestors, who were exposed to strong, recurring stress, such as the threat of predators, hunger and the struggle for supremacy, we live in a fast-paced and overstretched world that causes long-term stress.
Although our reaction is much milder, so many stress hormones are released in our blood that we cannot use them.
All experts, and I believe that not only they, agree with one fact - stress in modern society, along with the diseases of body, soul and mind that it leads to, are largely the result of our industrial culture and the remote of life. Live calmly!
Stress is of great importance in modern society. Uncontrolled reactions to stress trigger many diseases, and few of us realize that it is not stress itself, but our reaction to it, that depletes our immune system and leads to disease.
Unlike our ancestors, who were exposed to strong, recurring stress, such as the threat of predators, hunger and the struggle for supremacy, we live in a fast-paced and overstretched world that causes long-term stress.
So, what is the best workout for your blood type, and what does this have to do with stress and the way we react to it? Let’s take a look.
Each blood type follows its own, genetically programmed, instinctive response to the oncoming stress.
This article is not about how we like (or don't like) exercise, but about our body's natural physiological response to stress and what is the right sport to practice to help release it from the body. us.
Why is it so important to understand the functions and specific biochemistry of our body, taking into account the specifications of the blood group? Perhaps most of you have already come to the answer yourself.
If you have blood type 0, you show an immediate physical reaction like our ancestors hunters - stress is reflected directly in your muscles. Your body responds to any danger signal by allowing an explosion of intense physical energy.
You are designed to release the building blocks of hormonal forces through vigorous and intense training and feel especially good during strenuous exercise, which distinguishes you from other blood types.
If you want to lose weight, you need to practice sports with high physical activity, and find the best workout for your blood type. The reason is that all these exercises cause higher acidity in muscle tissue and contribute to a higher degree of activity in burning calories.
Acidity in muscle tissue is the result of ketosis, which is very typical of the "blood type of predators", as a famous geneticist recently defined it.
Although our reaction is much milder, so many stress hormones are released in our blood that we cannot use them. All experts, and I believe that not only they, agree with one fact - stress in modern society, along with the diseases of body, soul and mind that it leads to, are largely the result of our industrial culture and the remote of life. Live calmly!